Category: Uncategorized

in a batch file, you can simply use the command below.

ren log.txt log-%date:~4,2%-%date:~7,2%-%date:~10,4%_@_%time:~1,1%h%time:~3,2%m%time:~6,2%s%.txt

This will give you the perfect output of "log-03-30-2016_@_8h49m47s.txt"

Sweet huh

This is a cropped image directly from Nasa’s website. I adjusted the color balance, no other changes were made. You can do this yourself by downloading the image from Nasa’s web server for June 17th, 2015. Here is the link

This measures out to be 12 miles wide, and 3 miles High, which is the size of a City! Was this once a very populated planet that saw its demise and decided to protect its last remaining city with some sort of force field? Maybe this is a dome for Alien life to spy on the Earth? Either way, its not a natural formation, thats for certain. Notice the pyramid to the one side, is the pyramid the battery for powering the Dome Habitat?

Decide for yourself!


Test two.

[dreams]Last night I was having an odd dream. I was dreaming about HeroBrine from MineCraft. Personally, I do not play Minecraft, but my kids do. In the dream, we were all sleeping, I could see downstairs like I was looking from a remote view. HeroBrine was stepping out of the TV. I wasn’t scared, but could tell that this was a scary person. He was Huge and seemed almost like a caveman. His Right foot was touching the floor, then he was stepping towards the stairs. Then I was suddenly woken up by my daughter (6 years old) busting into my room, scared. We told her to go back to bed, and she just kept saying she was scared. Was I walking in her dream?

This isn’t the first time, the last time I remember was about a week ago. I was dreaming I was covered in spiders, but again I wasn’t afraid. I do not like spiders, but my daughter is deathly afraid of them. Again, she burst into the room, scared from a nightmare. The next day, my wife told me she had a nightmare about spiders.

This has happened many many times. I think I am starting to recognize when its happening. After she went back to bed, I tried to force myself to have that dream again, but this time, I pretended I was watching my daughter kick his butt, all kinds of fancy karate moves. Everytime she hit him, he got smaller and smaller until he was this 6 inch toy looking thing. She then kicked him back into the TV. I don’t know if I had the dream or if I somehow gave her that dream.

If you changed your phone number or have not verified your number you might be having issues with the feature to send photos and videos directly to your timeline using email. Here is the fix.

First, verify your phone number with Facebook, yes I know, it has nothing to do with your phone number, but this is their rules!

Next, send a text message to 32665 (which is Facebook) with the word "photos" without the quotes.

That’s it, you will get a secret email address from Facebook. Send your photos or videos to that email address and they will show up on your timeline!

Magic, pure magic, I tell yah…

IOS 5 seems to be where the problem started or was first noticed. I am not going to go into details, just going to tell you how to fix video and pictures that get imported into windows upside down.
A lot of people might want to blame windows for this problem, sorry guys or gals, Apple chose to not rotate the pictures and instead add code to the exif information. So here is the simple fix, when you take a video or picture, simply make sure your volume buttons are down. I know this might seem strange, but it is the correct fix.

You can send the picture directly from your iphone and at that time your iphone will fix the photo, but if you use the import feature from your phone into windows, you will have to manually rotate the pictures unless you take the picture with the buttons down!